
Orléans Métropole Orléans Métropole
Orleans Metropolitan
Orléans Val de Loire Tourisme Orléans Val de Loire Tourisme
Tourist office of Orléans Val de Loire
Région Centre Val de Loire Région Centre Val de Loire
La Région Centre-Val de Loire poursuit la mise en œuvre de mesures d’avenir pour relever les défis d’un nouveau développement économique, social et environnemental. L’activité et l’emploi, la protection de notre environnement, la solidarité entre les générations et entre les territoires sont au cœur de notre action.
Developing a partnering relationship and securing access to sovereign capabilities for our home nations. Promoting programme cooperation and industrial consolidation in Europe. Growing export sales and building up strategic partnerships outside Europe with our home nations’ allies. Continuing development of a competitive and high performance offering across all missile and missile systems domains. Delivering operational excellence and maintaining industry leadership.
Aims at further integrating the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation. Trans-national access is provided to sixteen different chambers and four calibration centres. Joint research activities enhance the capability of the infrastructure to provide improved services for users. This project/work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the EUROCHAMP-2020 Infrastructure Activity under grant agreement No 730997.
Labex Voltaire Labex Voltaire
VOLTAIRE focuses on Geofluids and Volatile Elements – Earth, Atmosphere, Interactions – Resources and Environment : Earth and Environmental Sciences Geological resources, Utilization of the subsoil, Pollution, Global Change Exchanges at different temporal and spatial scales between the Earth and the atmosphere Sources, Reactive transfers, Trapping of the chemical elements involved Impact of human activity on exchanges between the superficial terrestrial layers, notably the continental surfaces. VOLTAIRE: VOLatils – Terre, Atmosphère et Interactions - Ressources et Environnement - Convention n° ANR-10-LABX-100-01
Labex Caprysses Labex Caprysses
The objective is to improve the quality and safety of energy systems where the chemical conversion of energy takes place, by controlling the coupled phenomena related to chemical kinetics and fluid dynamics. CAPRYSSES: Cinétique chimique et Aérothermodynamique pour des Propulsions et des Systèmes Energétiques Propres et Sûrs - Convention n° ANR-11-LABX-0006-01
Université d'Orléans Université d'Orléans
Born in 1306, the University of Orleans is one of the oldest universities in Europe. The university was relocated in 1961 on the campus of Orleans La Source, close to prestigious research institutes such as CNRS, BRGM and INRA. Situated in the heart of the “Loire Valley-UNESCO” in about a hundred hectares of forest, just one hour from Paris by train, the multi-disciplinary campus of the University of Orleans attracts and welcomes around 14,000 students — among them, more than 2,000 foreigners. The University’s international status has been reinforced year by year in the field of education and research cooperation. Its policy for international degree programmes represents a major asset for mobility.
COST - Université d'Orléans COST - Université d'Orléans
The College of Science and Technology brings together 15 laboratories and research teams within Multidisciplinary landscape : GEE Geosciences, Environment, Space EM Energy and Materials SBCV Biological Sciences, Chemistry of life MSL Modeling and Computer Languages
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